All Portfolios
reSlim Bookstore
Very simple and secure to create a Book Store (eBook) like a marketplace.
reSlim is Lightweight, Fast, Secure, Simple, Scalable, Flexible and Powerful rest api framework. reSlim is based on Slim Framework version 3.
iSlim 3
I call this “iSlim” because I heart Slim Framework. iSlim version 3 is the easiest and flexible way to create your PHP application using PSR 7 way, which is look alike MVC pattern and Bootstrap 4.
Head Office Control Finance
Aplikasi Control Finance Head Office TKD Express dibuat dalam platform web based.
I call this “iSlim” because I heart Slim Framework. iSlim is the easiest and flexible way to create your PHP application using a MVC pattern and Bootstrap 4.
TKD Express POD Courier System
Aplikasi POD Kurir untuk multi cross platform under web based.
Repository Development Progress
Repository Development Progress of all application TKD Express Company.
TKD Express Report System
Aplikasi untuk menampilkan kebutuhan laporan untuk customer TKD Express.
TKD Express Blog System
Sistem Blog untuk TKD Express. based on Javelinee CMS.