All Portfolios
Cargo and Trucking B2B System
Cargo and Trucking B2B System.
Corporate Booking System
Booking Resi System adalah aplikasi khusus corporate TKD Express agar mendapatkan resi sebelum barang di pickup oleh kurir.
reSlim Tuber
A Rest API to build a simple web app for boost to make money on your videos on youtube, vimeo, etc. Not like a video tube as usual, this script is perfectly if you make website for posting a video movie.
Omovv Movie Streaming
Movie Streaming Website. Based on PHP and Rest API with reSlim.
Salon Matrix
Sebuah aplikasi manajemen untuk salon. Dibuat menggunakan bahasa C#, mysql, sqlite, dan SAP crystal report.
SimpleBook Store
An ebook store. Created using rest api, mysql and php.
reSlim Bookstore
Very simple and secure to create a Book Store (eBook) like a marketplace.
reSlim is Lightweight, Fast, Secure, Simple, Scalable, Flexible and Powerful rest api framework. reSlim is based on Slim Framework version 3.
iSlim 3
I call this “iSlim” because I heart Slim Framework. iSlim version 3 is the easiest and flexible way to create your PHP application using PSR 7 way, which is look alike MVC pattern and Bootstrap 4.